During this transformational moment we are in with the mind/body/spirit shift our collective consciousness is asking us to navigate, times are calling for quick innovation, deep resilience and courageous acts of Love.
Post Covid I am continuing to offer online private sessions by video platform. Right now these sessions are only available to clients/students that are paying same day as service.
These sessions will be based in helping you to access your deepest, widest and strongest mind/body/spirit connection to our times. I will help guide you through fluid moving. Inviting resilience, curiosity and a deep connection to our interconnected Web of Life.
Moving of your thoughts, emotions, sensations and embodied action through a multitude of practices I have been deeply blessed to be able to study over the past 35 years. Of course these include The Feldenkrais Method®, Qi Gong, Meditation, Earth-based shamanic teachings and what is called forth in the moment.
Just like this transformation we are all journeying through. May you know good health, safety, clarity and also peace within amidst the storm winds of transformation.
Under some very specific circumstances, telemedicine services are also offered to clients who are being seen under insurance payment.
Functional Integration® (FI) lessons are one-to-one sessions with a Guild-Certified Feldenkrais PractitionerCM such as myself. Rather than talking you through the process of moving your own body, I use gentle, non-invasive touch to help you feel how you move your body, to feel how you can move more comfortably and more efficiently. When you are ready, I will encourage you to take over the exploration yourself.
The goal of FI is similar to that of ATM: to improve the organization and functioning of your neuro-musculoskeletal system. Where an ATM is a group-led activity led by the teacher’s verbal directions, the FI session is mostly non-verbal, and custom-tailored to you.
FI lessons are most commonly performed on a moderately firm table that is low to the ground. You are fully clothed. I may use props such as an exercise ball or a foam roller to help you feel new patterns of movement. However, FI lessons also can be done while sitting, standing, kneeling, or while moving.
Through the engaging processes of Awareness Through Movement and Functional Integration, you discover new ways to
approach daily activities with greater ease and efficiency. Benefits also include improved posture, flexibility, coordination, balance, and reduced pain.
You feel more comfortable in your body, you think more clearly, become more creative, and feel an increased sense of well-being. This can awaken access to your full potential for vital, embodied living.
You can contact me to schedule and choose a 30 minute or 1 hour time slot for your session. You may also call me directly at 206.459.1773. I will then provide you the link for our session.
Feldenkrais and Qi Gong in Seattle
I offer both individual sessions and group Awareness Through Movement lessons. Please take time to explore my current classes and workshops or send me an email if you want additional information. If you want to mail me a check, that is possible. PayPal options are below.