The Initiation

by | May 29, 2020 | News





                                                                      The Initiation


The wheel of time turns
in ever-widening,
kaleidoscopic prisms
involuting, convoluting, and enfolding
through minuscule slivers of
cascading emergence.

Co-creating new life
never experienced by
the forms that parented
it’s novelty coming into existence.

Morphed and shaped into being
through endless scouring from the
winds, sands, and waves of time.

Consciousness erodes and accredes
enfolding the heart’s brain
into a cacophony of pulsating goo.

Amorphous, slippery, and deeply thick
with the stench of unawakened muck and mire
incubating the elemental
building blocks of new life.
Embracing the imaginal cells
of impossibility becoming possible
with the seed of elegance at their core.

Standing at the precipice
gazing into that void,
experiencing the pulsating
reverberations like tremors
that explode and collapse
Together. Apart. Within. Without.

Awaiting the plucking
of the frayed threads
of greed, ignorance, and fear.
While mesmerized by the intense
draw and pull of the unwavering gaze
of the particular shade of gray.
The hue of non-dualistic
beauty and terror.

Looking, staring, transfixed
by the immensity of
Union, Oneness, enveloped and enveloping
waves of aliveness.
Ecstatic and shimmering with the
glinting sharpness of life
recycling in and out of being.

Choosing Life.
Choosing Life creating Life
with uncertainty flavoring it’s birth.
Vibrant, vivid, vital.

That hue. That shade of gray.
Navigating paradox.
Standing in the center of
the heart’s courageous wisdom
to walk through the initiatory gates
of awakening.

When the knee of the unawakened,
desperate, depraved, disconnected,
and fearful oppressed mind
snuffs out the
breath, light and beauty of being.

The guardians of capacity, potential and emergence
breathe in and out.
Re-membering Life.

That hue, that shade of gray
that turns in ever-widening
kaleidoscopic prisms
involuting, convoluting, and enfolding
through minuscule slivers of
cascading emergence arises.

Emergence of anger that births justice.
Emergence of grief that births love’s seed.
Emergence of fear that births courage, and
Emergence of nothingness that births all possibilities.
All that Is and Isn’t.

Choose Life.
Choose Life creating Life
with uncertainty flavoring it’s birth.

And love
fueling the spark that grows the fire of
the stunning pink lotus
arising from that stench, muck and mire.

The guardians of capacity, potential and emergence
breathe in and out.
Re-membering Life.

Who do you choose to be
as we all navigate this initiation?

Carrie Lafferty
May 29, 2020





